

Sunday, March 30, 2014

April 5th

Quote- "Slow and steady enjoys the race" MIKE BAYER

Demi's words- We always hear "slow and steady wins the race", and though i love this idea, i actually love the idea of slowing down to savor the little moments in life even more. Living in our fast-paced world today, it's easy to get into a busy routine and sometimes we literally don't have time to catch our breathe, only is this not healthy for our bodies and our stress levels, but it takes the life out of whatever we're doing. I've found that time goes quickly, and if i don't stop and slow down, i miss the little moments. So whatever you're rushing to or goal you are rushing to get, remember to enjoy process too-otherwise what's the point?

Goal- When you start to get wrapped up in your busy life, please, take ten deep breaths, meditate or do something that calms you down.

I'm a relatively busy person i wouldn't say i'm the busiest person in the world but i'm pretty occupied with school and theatre practice. I sometime forget to text a friend who i haven't talked to in awhile because i'm so focused on other things. My parents say i'm lazy, yes i could do a little more physical work once in a while but they have no idea that my brain is on autopilot from the moment i get up to the moment i go to bed and even then i have dreams about my eating disorder and it's something that is physically and emotionally draining. They don't see how i'm working so hard to "fit in" and be a normal teenager. It's something that i work on ever day. Yes i should do a little more work around the house but when they call me lazy it hurts my feelings. They have no idea that i have internal wars in my head 24 hours 7 days a week, trying to be "normal" and be liked by everyone and obey my eating disorder. Yes, i could help a lot more and i'm guilty for that but when they call me lazy it hurts my feelings.

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