

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 30th

Quote- "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words and names will make her wanna kill herself  Unknown

Demi's words- People say sticks and stones may break your bones? But names can never hurt you- but that's so far from the truth. Sometimes words impact us more than physical pain. Things fro. The past were said to me that hurt to this day. I remember saying to my mom his I would much rather have had the bullies hit me or punch me than say the cruel things they said, because the things they said changed my life forever.

Goal- Stand up for Someone who is getting bullied in school or at work. Remind yourself and others of just how powerful words can really be. And when your talking to others, choose you words wisely.

This quote hit home for me in a lot of ways, not only bullies but also situations where I felt uncomfortable or I felt like I couldn't be myself because I was ashamed or embarrassed. I've encountered a lot of people who have to me how I act or you need to act this way or that way to be accepted, and they still act to this day how my actions and personality isn't fun to be around or they act like being shy and quiet is a bad thing and it's not. I actually like that quality about me and that's okay I don't have to be like everyone else. But when people make comments or snide remarks it makes me insecure with myself like I'm not enough already and I just want people to accept me for me and I realize everyone's not going go like me and I'm find with that, I'm a people pleaser and I want everyone to like me and accept me but that's impossible.

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