

Monday, February 17, 2014


quote- "Never getting help doesn't make you brave" STRAYLIGHT RUN "SYMPATHY FOR MARTYR

Demi's words- When the stress of holding heavy emotions in piles up, it can do more damage than you realize. It's never easy to ask for help, but please find it in yourself to do so. Write a note, call someone whatever it is to send SOS. Help is always waiting and the bravest people in the world are those who can ask for it.

Goal- Be brave and tell someone you need help

Asking for help is the hardest thing I've ever had to do not only for my emotional issues but for everything. I've always been very independent and for so long I've associated with asking for help as a sign of weakness. But also asking for help has been for me a blessing and has shown me that I have a problem and helping me figure out how to get my life back. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness it is a blessing and can save lives

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