

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1st

Quote- "When we show our love, the world opens it's arms for us"

Demi's words- You get back what you put into the world. Put out positive energy and positivity is what you will receive. It's amazing how love can calm any situation. Even if other people behave in ways that are toxic or harmful, when you respond with love and compassion, it is powerful. Whatever the result is, you know you can sleep at night knowing you've done right, and that's all you can control.

Goal- Wear your heart on your sleeve today and let the world know how much live you have inside you. Hug as many people or make as many people smile as you can.

I've experienced this and have learned this through all the things I've been through and it's true what you portray out into the works you get the same back. My last is full of negative experiences and I've gotten a negative result but now I'm wanting to use my story for good not evil and that's something that I want to tell people is that you can turn your life around and use your internal hell for a beautiful blessing

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