

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Go out and do something this weekend that you would never do

I'm not limited to any activities outside of school really i don't know what i would never do. More recently now that i have a boyfriend my weekends are a little different which is a good thing but it's more that i've never really had anyone that i would want to spend my time with, mostly cause most of my girlfriends have all moved away but 50% of the time i just wanted to be alone in my own secluded bubble where i can engage in behaviors without interruption.

I do enjoy my weekends being occupied by more human interaction but at first honestly i was quite hesitant and still partially i do but it has absolutely nothing to do with him! I take full responsibility for it because it's my own demons and struggles that i need to learn to adapt with now that i'm more social. One of them is well wait let me back up i have a autism spectrum disorder i think i've talked about it before i don't really talk about it as much because i don't really notice it, i do at times and now that i'm being more social i'm noticing what my issues are and they're all my own, i don't want anyone that see's this and think it's personal that i blow you off because it's not at all! 

I have a problem with sporadic plans like it makes me anxious when people ask me to hangout with them and like say in a hour i have to get ready. My friend Erin has attested to that. I think Derek has sort of noticed it a little bit because when i say no i can tell he gets kind of disappointed. I need to know the plans at least 4 hours or more beforehand to be okay with it, even then i get a little anxious. Maximum a day notice i'm perfectly okay with.

Also it's hard for me to have motivation to go through with the plans that have already been made, i'm even like that with my best friends but after i'm so happy i went. With Derek i've done that not just because he's a guy but just because i've seriously always been that way for as long as i can remember. Those are 2 things i want to work on from here on out because now that i'm hanging out with people more those things have been happening more and more recently.

What things do you want to work on? 

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