

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

EDs and school

Hello everyone, I scheduled a post about a month ago about eating disorders and summer camps but now that summers about over and schools starting up I thought it makes since to switch it to the most dreaded subject in most everyone's mind: school!

The first time I ever experimented with behaviors is when I was in 7th grade but I only purged once in a while during that time and started eating normally all summer long but in 8th grade is when I really started engaging in behaviors so I guess i'll talk about my life with my eating disorder in 8th grade and to now in the school setting. In 8th grade I was purging my lunch almost everyday and I was starting to count calories and restrict. I remember I was leaving to purge and by that point my friends found out and my friend said "fine go but don't expect me to be at your funeral" that really hurt me but I understand now why she said that even though it's rude because dealing with someone who is struggling is frustrating and scary and we're not friends anymore, not because of that just because she became ruder after that and she was also saying things about my other friends and that's when I cut of all ties with her.

I also began lying a lot more too, another time when I went to go purge a teacher caught me "we weren't supposed to leave the lunchroom" and I lied to him about what I was going to go do obviously, I told him I was going to the library and there was a point where I scheduled my lunch out to where the caloric intake was what I expected of myself which I now know that was ED talking.

Now freshman year of highschool, I was getting more intrenched in my eating disorder at the beginning of the year I was very careful during lunch like with what I was eating and by halfway through the first semester I began to skip lunch and then ended up skipping breakfast as well. My counseler saw that I wasn't in the lunchroom and let's just say she isn't the nicest and she's very pushy and wants to know every little detail. I was so stuck in the lie and I didn't know what to do, then she was getting concerned and wanted the truth because she knew I was lying and I eventually told her that I was burning calories during that time by just walking around the school.

Now i'm really really deep in my eating disorder and i'm actually really scared for my health, i'm currently getting help but school is a triggering place for me and i'm afraid that it will get worse.

I don't really have advice for going to school with an ED but I think it's a good idea to keep snacks in your locker or in your backpack so you have something when you get hungry. I would recommend to let your school counseler or principal that you're struggling with an eating disorder so they could possibly help you or give you advice.

If you have friends during your lunch hour go sit with them! I know it's hard and it's hard for me but it doesn't even have to be a full meal it can just be a couple items of food so no one will ask questions and so you atleast have something in you because school takes a lot of brain power!

Bananas are great for breakfast as well, my mom always called them "brain food" which is very true!
Even when school triggers you, you have to find a schedule that you know you will stick to and continue that throughout the school year and adapt to any changes there are.

Also I think it's important to get help from your therapist or dietician if you have one so you can express your feelings with your therapist about school and help you learn to engage in healthy behaviors rather than negative ones. Your dietician can help you keep on track and help you adapt with schedule changes and things like that and also create a meal plan that works with your school schedule!

I hope that was helpful and if you have any advice to get through school and staying in recovery let me know!

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