

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 11th

Quote- "So the moral of the story is, who are you to judge? There's only one true judge and that's God. So chill and let my Father do His job. SALT-N-PEPA "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS"

Demi's words- Don't waste your time judging other people. It's not your place. You weren't put here to judge others. You are here to be the best version of yourself that you can be and to spread love and kindness to everyone you meet.

Goal- Do not judge other people, use your time making a difference.

What does it do any good for you to judge other people? No one. The only people you should judge are the people who judge you. It doesn't make you any better to make rude comments to other people, most people who are mean to you are insecure themselves and take out their anger about whatever they're going through towards you. It doesn't make it okay at all but at least there is at one possible explanation of why others judge you for no reason.

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