

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 27th

Quote- "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there" LEWIS CARROLL

Demi's words- It's more important to have the will to grow and stay open to all the infinite possibilities than to know exactly where you are going. That will change as you change.

Goal- Stay open to any and all possibilities that present themselves to you. You never know where success and joy will turn up.

Where you are going may be a long road but that doesn't mean where you are going is wrong it just means you are working harder to get to your goal. Every person has a road they're going down whether it's long or short everyone is on the same path, some people just get knocked off the path and they sometimes get lost in the woods and can't find their way back. Pretty soon though they will back on the path and they will get to their goals with a wiser and more determined mind.

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