

Friday, June 13, 2014

June 19th

Quote- "With pain, suffering and grief come many opprotunities to grow and change as long as we stay open.

Demi's words- When your faith and strength are challenged, you have the most incredible opportunity to grow. It's up to what you make of it. Sometimes it's hard to ask for help, but it never hurts to receive it. I've made a vow to myself that when times are difficult I will reach out for help and embrace that part of my journey with an open minded. I know that these obstacles are a way to become stronger and develop my faith, but I can't do it without staying open or receiving help from others.

Goal- If you're dealing with something painful, stay open-minded and ask for help. You never need to face anything alone-there are so many resources available to help.

I've had trouble fully knowing or expressing my faith in god. I believe in a higher power but not necessarily god. A lot of people say that he helps them in their darkest times which is difficult to fully understand that. If god loves us so much than why did he bring the world so much pain? I don't understand how so many people have unconditional faith in him. I've lived through some of the hardest times without God's help or praying about my struggles. When you are going through a really difficult time in your life it can be really hard to have your full trust in him. That's kind of where I am right now I don't not believe in him i'm just saying it can be hard to keep your faith.

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