

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 16th

Quote- "When your feet start to hurt, place yourself in someone else's shoes"

Demi's words- It's so easy to get caught up in your own world and let drama consume you. It's usually difficult to even realize your doing it because your so deep in it. This can be dangerous because you can quickly lose touch with reality. Don't invalidate your emotions or hardships, but remember someone else out there has it worse.

Goal- Get some perspective by doing charity work or community service. Make a list of 10-15 things or people your grateful for no matter how simple or important they may seem.

This quote is interesting, you need to gain perspective not only from yourself but from what other people are going through. You may think things completely suck now but if you realize you need to strong for other people. If you realize how your thoughts and actions affect others you have the power to change them.

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