

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Keeping up with the kardashians: Bruce Jenner special

I wanted to write about something today that is in my personal opinion important to talk about and it's actually an interesting story, I think we're all trying to figure it out ourselves. If you all don't know what i'm talking about by the title Keeping up with the Kardashians is an reality TV show here in the U.S. i'm pretty sure they have it other countries but I could be wrong.

I honestly have never had any thought about transgenders or really understood it but like most illnesses or lifestyles you can never really understand unless you walk a mile in their shoes. Like I said I don't have a lot of knowledge on all the steps to transition or what the people who are going through it, what goes on their mind but watching all their separate interviews was very interesting because it was different from the show, it's more personal and it was cool to kind of learn his story past and present.

He can help so many people who have fears of coming out and he's a motivational speaker as well so that gives him more of an incentive I think to talk about his struggles and how he can get his voice and story out to others which I think is really amazing. He also did an interview about 2-3 weeks ago with Diane Swayer and I actually learned quite a lot about the whole transgender community and the difference between homosexuality and physical identification which none of my family knew about before watching the interview. Just the topic in general was new to me so it was interesting to understand more about cross dressing and things like that.

The main thing I got out of the two interviews was no matter how you feel about a person never judge anyone by their appearance because no matter what it is everyone has a struggle, we're all human and we all deserve to live our lives the happiest we can be. He lived 65 years in fear of himself and sneaking around his family and friends from recognizing him cross dressing and that is really sad to me that he had to feel like he had to hide who he really is for that long. I admit, I'm not a crier but I cried and I'm honestly shocked at myself because I hear from my family all the time that I have no emotion to things like that which is true I never cry in T.V. shows or movies but I think it's different when it's based off reality.

Bruce is really brave and I'm interested to see who "she" really is and the whole transition process. For some people this is a controversial topic but at the end of the day being happy is what matters in life and if it's being a woman, it's being a woman and to be honest I'm really proud of him because he could do a lot of good and that could quite possibly change society's view on transgenders and struggles with gender equality.

For 65 years this is what he felt like... 10 kids, 3 marriages, 3 divorces. Now he gets to live the rest of his life in freedom and that to me brings me happiness that now he's finally "her".

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