

Monday, July 21, 2014

Back from camp!

Hello everyone! I got back from camp on Friday and then my cousin and aunt came in town for a short little weekend stay they live in Colorado and it was really great to see them!

Camp was actually really fun, more fun than I expected actually I now have 2 girls numbers! they were in my dorm room and it was really fun to stay there ya know I picture dorms like 2 beds in one room but it was more like a suite and it was really nice. The campus was really clean and neat and very pretty too I liked it a lot.

I also learned a lot about god i'm not really sure what I think about it yet but i'm keeping an open mind and trying. It was a really good experience and I would totally do it next year! I might also switch to their Wednesday church groups i'm not sure yet, I had a couple girls wanting me to go and I think I will i'm not sure yet. I learned a lot about myself and God and I have journals and posts that I have planned to post so stay tuned if you want to here more about my trip!

This morning I went to the eating disorder specialist and she's really nice, her names Kristin i'm not going to say her last name but I do feel good about it. She highly encouraged me to go see a nutritionist that a lot of her clients go to which is okay I mean i'm not really excited about it but i'm interested to see what nutritionists are like because I've never been to one before.

She also wants me to have like a bone scan and a EKG to check on my heart and stuff, I have my sports physical Monday for cross country so we'll see what happens!

I do feel hopeful about it though I mean i'm nervous about having to do all these things but i'm kind of happy that someone is taking me seriously, i'm not saying my last therapist didn't cause he did he's so far been one of the best therapists I've had but he wasn't fully in depth with my eating issues he just sort of touched on it which isn't a bad thing. I actually do kind of miss him, he probably still reads my blog :) hello George!

I'm weird I know, anyway yeah i'm excited about everything that's happening and looking forward to the future.

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